Cima.Praxisforum: rethinking economic spaces and commercial areas

The development possibilities for new commercial sites are often limited in southern Germany. This observation is the starting point for two central questions: What demand structures can be expected in the future and what options are there for municipal economic development? How can existing commercial areas be used even more efficiently and sustainably, and what role will the inner city play as an economic area in the future?
The cima.praxisforum offers the opportunity to discuss the central challenges, perspectives and opportunities of commercial space development in practical dialogues with committed representatives from municipalities and regions as well as from an investor's point of view. The guest at the cima.prtaxisforum in Esslingen on 24 May 2023 will be Michael Ehret, founder and advisory board member of ehret+klein. With practical insights, he will explore the question of what mixed-use neighborhoods can do for municipal commercial development and bring in practical examples, such as the Tutzing business area.
Register for the cima.praxisforum in Esslingen on 23 May 2023.